Best Survival Tools | What Wilderness Survival Gear and Equipment should you include in your Backcountry Survival Kit?
When looking at what wilderness survival gear and equipment to buy one may ask themselves:
what is the most practical backcountry survival kit and how do I decide what should I buy?
Your wilderness survival kit should include items from four basic categories. (we are talking about survival for everyday people not primitive or tactical survival like you will commonly see in the mainstream representation of "survival." Keep in mind that antiquated (bushcraft) survival gear and survival skills are commonly sold and taught so be wary of your information source to ensure you are purchasing modern survival gear for practical everyday use and not items that were commonplace hundreds of years ago i.e. primitive flint and steel fire starting kits.)
The four key categories are shelter, fire, signal, and hydration.
Shelter |
Fire |
SignalSignal Mirror, Whistle, and Trail Tape |
Hydration |
This wilderness survival kit is the most practical survival kit available.
This simple survival kit list of equipment and some practice can turn a potentially life-threatening incident into just an inconvenience. The Endure Basic Survival Kit is an efficient and effective basic survival kit for hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, climbing, ski touring, mountaineering and just about any outdoor activity. When you search list of items for survival kit you may find all sorts of items you simply don't need. Each item in the Endure Basic Survival kit is proven to include only trusted items through rigorous in-field testing of over 50 years in the survival instruction business. For wilderness survival is wise to include top-rated, modern-day, quality equipment in your backcountry safety and survival kit.
These items are tried, tested, improved-upon and tested again in the field and through in-field customer testing. For example, the Endure Instant Shelter preferred color used to be safety orange. After years of testing, it was revealed that royal blue performs better as it is easier to see from far distances as orange can tend to blend in with the natural background.
Endure Survival was built based on of the need for basic survival skills everyone should know. If you are looking for Survival basics 101 and/or the importance of survival skills that are practical for a real-world application that is exactly what we strive to provide.
Simplicity is vital when choosing the right survival gear. It's best to think about what gear will you really need in case of an emergency. It may be wise to include items in your emergency or survival kit or if you are a mountain man of the Rocky Mountain West you may call the kit a "possibles kit." While it might be difficult to justify carrying a piece of equipment that doesn't get used often, there is some equipment that has to be carried just in case you encounter that once in a lifetime situation. Some practice, preparation, and gear can define what happens to your fate - these core items include shelter, fire making, and signaling equipment.

Things you may want to consider carrying in your pockets - a folding knife, a bandana handkerchief, lip balm, a metal match. The Endure Metal Match kit includes a waterproof case with cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly. One may consider building their fire with a technique proven over lifetimes. First, gather plenty of fuel and cut into 12" pieces, place in piles in piles of smallest to biggest. Fuel found not on the ground is best to ensure that it is dry. Cover the ground in a platform of dry fuel. *Fuel is any piece of wood, branch, log etc. The platform should be about 1 foot by 1 foot in diameter with a larger brace log at the end. On top of the wood place a piece of tin foil flat to catch the burning petroleum jelly within the cotton balls. As the petroleum jelly burns it liquifies and the tin foil is essential for keeping the fuel all in one place so it can burn longer. Place the cotton balls soaked in vaseline on the tin foil and spray sparks towards it with the Endure Metal Match fire starter. When the cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly start to burn place the smallest pile of fuel on top and as it starts to burn place the next pile in a perpendicular fashion and as bigger piles are placed on top at a 90-degree angle you can use the brace log to lean all piles of fuel and simply lift the brace log for more oxygen. Keep placing piles perpendicular on top and adjusting the brace log until the fire takes hold. Once the fire is going (and only once your fire is going - remember this is a survival situation so everything little thing counts) you can do teepees, log cabins or whatever sort of fire ingenuity tickles your fancy.

When choosing the right survival kit it is a good idea to think about what will work in a practical application. For everyday users of the outdoors, it is important to have items on you that will protect you immediately if the weather changes or if you find yourself lost. No matter what the survival situation it may be of interest to you and your loved ones to invest in your safety by purchasing a stocked kit with the trusted survival gear.

Endure Survival Kits was started based the need for a practical survival kit that only included items that can turn a life-threatening incident into a minor inconvenience. Check out this article by Terry Wickstrom about practical survival and a few examples of what to look out for when you are venturing out into the woods. Terry Wickstrom brings up some great points about things to prepare for and what to do. For example, clothing is your first shelter. You should also consider carrying a secondary shelter that will protect you efficiently and effectively from the elements.
The Endure Instant Shelter is about as simple as you can get. It protects you in many ways:

The idea of a sack, bivvy or bag is to trap all of your body heat around you so you use the warmth of your body to your advantage. One key element to this is your head. Most of your body heat is lost through your head so trapping it is essential. A bag is always more efficient, effective and simply more comfortable than a bag.
The Endure Instant Shelter is waterproof forming a solid barrier between you and the elements.
The Endure Instant Shelter acts as a signal. Royal Blue is the best color to be seen from far distances. Even better than safety orange as orange tends to blend into the orange and red hues of the natural background.
With a hole cut in the bag, the Endure Instant Shelter allows condensation to escape on the outside ensuring you will stay dry.
The Endure Instant Shelter allows you to have use of your hands and feet while a blanket would force you to hold it around you in a fixed position.
The goal of Endure Survival is to keep you protected. Also included in your kit purchase is a 1-year subscription to Endure Survival School. This online Survival School will teach you practical and proven techniques to use with your Endure Survival Kit.

Endure survival school will cover the following subjects:
What really is survival?
Survival Myths
What does it mean to prepare?
Potential Threats in the Wild
Emergency Shelter
How to stay found
Survival Medicine
and more
Endure Survival School will cover the best survival gear and techniques, survival tools, what to consider adding to your kit and proven techniques to keep you alive if you find yourself in a life-threatening incident. The number 1 rule for survival is to be prepared. Without a bit of preparation and the right gear, you may be exposing yourself to threats that you may not be able to overcome.

Don't forget the environment can overwhelm you and being prepared for the unexpected is always a good idea. Learning the survival skills needed to survive an unplanned night out is vital to surviving a wilderness emergency. Don't be duped by the way "survival" is portrayed in mainstream media. Practical methods of surviving, not primitive or tactical are addressed in Endure Survival School. Many survival kits on the market claim to be the ultimate survival kit while you find many items that are useless in a real life-threatening incident.

Building a survival fire can be one of the most beneficial skills you can learn to keep you protected against hypothermia.
Endure Survival School provides you with a wealth of field-tested gear, techniques, and know-how you can use when you are faced with the seemingly daunting task of protecting yourself against potential hazards and threats.